The week before Christmas Jared's parents came up from the Phoenix area to visit for about a week. They got to see Delilah for the first time and Addison was so super excited to see them.For a little while it didn't seem like they were ever going to get here. They broke their necks trying to come see us...LITERALLY! Well, my father in law did anyway. They were in a really bad car accident near Nephi that totaled their car, broke my father in law's neck and banged my mother in law up pretty bad. It was quite scary when we got the call late Saturday night/early Sunday morning. Jared went to the Provo hospital where his dad was taken to get his parents. He and his mom headed to the impound yard to get all of their possessions out of their car and then back to the hospital to get his dad once he was released. On the way back to our house they got a flat tire on the freeway so Jared had to pull off in the snow to change it. After that they were finally on their way. Luckily the accident was not their fault, and considering the severity of it their injuries could have been much worse.
We had a lot of fun visiting with them. I didn't get to hold Delilah all that much with Grandma being around, but since this is my first baby that she doesn't get to live by I had to oblige! Why is it that grandmas are so good with babies? Both of the grandmas are like infant sleeping pills. They can always get my babies to sleep even if they've been fussy for me. What's up with that? Addison & Urban loved having them around and getting some extra attention too. There were lots of loves & cuddles. We did some shopping (grandma's favorite past time), visited Temple Square, watched Max & Ruby and Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer (the kids thought the name was funny so they wanted to watch it), played silly car games, made casseroles in our mouths (thanks for that by the way, we still use it to get Addison to eat better), sang songs & read books.
Jared and I had not even started our Christmas shopping by the time they got here so two nights after the kids went to bed we headed out to get it all done. It was so nice to be able to go out alone together. Otherwise we would have either had to take turns going or take the kids and try to hide things in the cart while distracting them.
My mother in law finished re-upholstering my chaise. She started it last year when they came to visit. I was supposed to finish it, but to be quite honest I never even attempted it because the task was a bit overwhelming for me. I knew I would mess it up somehow. I felt bad putting her to work, but she did a great job, it looks professional.
My father in law got me addicted to the General Tso's chicken in Wal-mart's deli. It is so yummy. I want it all the time now.
I feel so bad that their trip started out the way that it did, but I am so thankful that they're both okay. We had a wonderful week with them, it went by too fast. Although I was glad to get our bed back. The air mattress we were sleeping on kept losing air during the night, we kept waking up on the floor. Oh well, I'd do it again any time. We already miss you guys so much. Thanks for coming to visit. You are welcome any time. We love you. Take care of yourselves and get better soon!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Grandma & Grandpa Estes
Posted by Hollie at 8:07 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
This Christmas
December is almost over and I haven't posted a thing about this Christmas season. This month seemed to just fly by. I feel like I barely got all of the decorations put up and now it's time to take them down.
I love Christmas time. Faith strengthening experiences always seem to present themselves and this year was no exception.
We had a wonderful first Christmas with Delilah. It's always fun to celebrate the "firsts". We didn't take her to see Santa which I'm kind of sad about but she's still so young & little to be around a lot of people with so much sickness going around. Jared took Addison & Urban to our ward Christmas party though and they were able to sit on Santa's lap there. I knew Addi would be fine, but I wasn't sure about the Urbster. He's very temperamental these days. But Jared said that he did really well with Santa. I'm sure the fact that he had candy to give out had something to do with it.
Posted by Hollie at 8:08 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
I don't like it!
Nope, not one little bit. Delilah's hips are displaced so she has to wear leg braces that spread her knees out and pushes them up in order to force the ball into the socket. The contraption is more like a full body harness. It goes up over her shoulders and around her chest. It probably doesn't bother her nearly as much as it bothers me (babies are pretty limber) but it just looks so uncomfortable. It makes every little tiny task like changing her diaper, dressing her or nursing her much harder than it needs to be. It is also much more difficult to snuggle and cuddle her close because of the position of her legs, which is by far the worst part. Oh yeah, did I mention that she hasn't slept more than 30 minutes at a time since the braces were put on her Monday morning? We're all just a wee bit exhausted around here. I know that in the whole scheme of things this really is not a big deal at all. Considering all things that could be wrong this is truly a minor issue with a simple fix. I know I should not be complaining but I am tired and feeling whiny so you all get to listen to me! =)She reminds me a little bit of a marionette doll. Her little brace looks like strings that I could just tug on and make her dance. Oh well, even in her new little get up she's still absolutely adorable (at least to her mother). At least it's not like Forrest Gump's metal leg braces! That's what I kept picturing when they first told me she needed leg braces. Oh my crazy imagination.
Posted by Hollie at 3:19 PM 8 comments
Friday, December 11, 2009
I think this boy will be getting some super hero dress up stuff for Christmas. And perhaps a brother would be nice too!
Posted by Hollie at 10:31 AM 8 comments
Sunday, December 6, 2009
More pictures
My fabulous photographer sister has my maternity, birth story & newborn pictures set up on a website if you would like to see them. I absolutely love them. It brought tears to my eyes to watch the slideshow. Each moment is portrayed perfectly. I am so glad to have these moments captured in photos to remind me of how peaceful & angelic my sweet baby girl is. Thank you Heather, you're the best. We love you!
To view the gallery go to:
Hollie's story
It will also ask you for your e-mail & first name as verification.
Hope you enjoy, I sure did.
Posted by Hollie at 8:02 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Baby Tiny!
I'm way behind on posting and probably will be for awhile. But I wanted to get some pictures up before Delilah's a teenager! She's 3 weeks old today and already seems so different. It goes by so fast, especially those precious intervals of sleep in the middle of the night between feedings. Oh well, what do you do?
Posted by Hollie at 7:34 PM 7 comments
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Delilah Daisy
Well I'm sure it won't take people long to realise this isn't Hollie writing because she does a much better job then me. This will be short and sweet, she's here her name is Delilah Daisy and she was 5lbs 6oz and 19 in. It is amazing how something so tiny can make you feel so much love. I wish I were better at this because there is so much more that I wish I could say, but I've done what I was supposed to do. So enjoy the picture, I'm sure when Hollie has the time she will do a much better post with even better pictures.
Posted by Hollie at 3:06 PM 13 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
It's official...yet again!
That's right, I have once again qualified for mother of the year. Here are two of my most recent 'proud motherhood moments' that put me in the running.
Addison has become quite the tattle tell lately. She tells on her brother for absolutely EVERYTHING! Now I will be the first to admit that he is quite the stinker, but my goodness she does not let him get away with anything. All I hear all day long is "mom, Urban's drinking", "mom, Urban's breathing", "mom, Urban's singing", "mom, Urban's hitting/biting me", "mom Urban's throwing something away", "mom, Urban's breaking something", etc. You get the gist. Now some of these are legitimate concerns, but so many of them are so ridiculous that it just starts to drive me crazy after awhile. So the other morning after she had told on him for some insignificant reason for the one hundredth time I just lost it. I yelled at her and said I didn't want to hear any more. I didn't care what he was doing, she just needed to deal with it and resolve it on her own. I went into the other room and several minutes later I heard Addison quietly sobbing. She was trying very hard not to let me hear her, which is strange. She normally tries to cry as loudly as possible to evoke as much sympathy as possible. I figured something must not be right. I went into the room, startling Urban as I did, to find Addison sitting there with tears streaming down her face and a bright red arm. Apparently Urban had put the smack down on her arm (very quietly might I add, I never heard a thing) and Addison just sat there and took it because I had yelled at her for being a nark. What the heck! What kind of mother does something like this? I felt so bad. I sat there hugging her and crying and telling her how sorry I was. Yep, mother of the year!
Urban has recently decided that it is great fun to play with the locks on the front door. He's great at locking the door, but has some trouble turning it the other way for some reason. He has locked me out of the house on a couple of different occasions when I've gone to get the mail or take trash to the curb or whatever. Luckily it's never been for very long. He either quickly figures out how to unlock it or someone else is around to let me in. Well, on this particular day he locked me out and I was simply not in the mood for his shenanigans. It was freezing outside and I was in a hurry. When I got to the door to find it locked I yelled at him to open it for me. I heard him messing with the locks but it was still locked. After several minutes of listening to him tinker with it I was less than amused. "Damn it Urban, open the door!" Oh that's right, I said it. I'm quite ashamed of myself but I was so mad. Nothing! So I started repeatedly ringing the doorbell and kicking the door hoping that Addison would hear me and come to the door. She didn't. I knew what room Addison was in so I went to that window and told her to go to the front door and unlock it for me. I heard her get to the door, then I heard a brawl break out. Urban was determined not to let her near the door. I don't know if he thought it was a game at this point, if he was just being territorial or if he knew how much trouble he was going to be in once I got inside. Anyway, I started yelling for Addison to hurry up and unlock the door. She started crying and telling me that she was trying to but Urban wouldn't let her. She told me that he was hitting her and pushing her out of the way so she couldn't. I tried telling Urban to knock it off, but of course he didn't listen. So then I told Addison to do whatever she had to do to get to the door. "But he won't let me" she screamed. "Then push him out of the way" I yelled back, "I don't care what you have to do just get him away from the door". After hearing some screaming, crying, pushing, hitting & yelling the door was finally unlocked. I entered to find Urban sitting in a nearby chair trying as hard as he could to ignore me. He knew he was going to get it. After making sure Addison was okay I laid into the Urbster. Again, what kind of mother does stuff like this? Standing outside yelling at my children, giving one permission to do whatever it takes to the other in order to open the door. My neighbors must think I'm just lovely. Yep, mother of the year!
To my dear, sweet children; some day when you're sitting in a shrinks office trying to sort through your issues, just hand him a copy of this post and all will be explained.
Posted by Hollie at 7:11 PM 9 comments
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Maternity pictures
My sister took my pregnancy pictures today and she did a fabulous job. She's been waiting forever to take them but I don't really get all that big (so I'm told, I feel huge!) until right at the end of my pregnancy. We decided we needed to do it today just in case little miss came early. It was so much fun. She found the cutest little place and we got down and dirty (literally, we were on the ground) to get some shots. She has a little sneak preview up on her blog and I can't wait to see the rest! I love what I've seen so far which is rare for me because I hate having my picture taken and never like the way they turn out. I guess it helps when you're SUPPOSED to look tubby! =) It also helps to have a great photographer that I'm so comfy with. She made me feel like a super model. Thanks again, you're the best!
Posted by Hollie at 4:11 PM 4 comments
Thursday, November 5, 2009
We had a fun filled week of Halloween festivities this year. We started the week by carving our pumpkins. I apparently have very odd children because they do not enjoy getting dirty. You can tell by the looks on their faces that they were less than thrilled to be cleaning out the pumpkin guts. I must say they come by it honestly, Jared hates having dirty hands, it totally grosses him out. Every time Urban would stick his hand in his pumpkin he would pull it out and say "sticky, need wipe". I tried to explain to him that we would clean him up once he was all done, but he wasn't having it, he wanted to be cleaned each time.
Posted by Hollie at 1:12 PM 2 comments
Friday, October 30, 2009
Pumpkin Patch!
Posted by Hollie at 10:05 PM 8 comments
Friday, October 16, 2009
Dear John,
I am writing this letter to inform you that I think it's time we call things quits. Trust me, it's not you, it's me! You haven't changed a bit, I just have different needs at the moment. I'm sure you've noticed that my visits to you lately have been far less frequent. In the first several months I used to come to you many times a day, even many times an hour some days, but now it's just a couple of times a week. In the beginning you were the only one who could truly understand me. No one else would welcome me with all of my "baggage" into their bowl at any time of day or night no questions asked. I spent many nights curled up on the floor next to your strong, supportive base knowing that it was pointless returning to bed only to run back to you with hardly a moment's notice. The truth is that I'm finally able to venture back into the real world. At last I can give my children and husband hugs & kisses again. I can handle most smells and tastes without feeling the need to run back into your cool, porcelain embrace. I will always remember our time together, however I can't say that they will be fond memories. Again, not because of anything you did wrong, just because of the circumstances surrounding our time together. I'm sure I'll be back for visits every now and again, but for the most part we are over. Please don't try to stop me as I am very excited about this new stage in my life. I wish you well and promise to come back once a week to keep you sparkling clean (I know how important this is to you) so you can perform at your best. Good luck in your future encounters.
Posted by Hollie at 7:57 AM 24 comments
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Family Outings
Here's a couple of things our family has been up to lately. I am so behind on blogging but I have got so much else going on right now. I like to try to post these things just so I remember them. I have such a terrible memory and unfortunately I'm not great at journaling (is that even a word?) either.
When the kids and I first got back from Arizona we decided to go to Chuck E Cheese to have fun and spend some time together as a family. It was a rainy day so we had to think of an indoor activity. The kids had a blast. Mason actually slept most of the time but he woke up for a little while towards the end so we could get some pictures with him.
About 2 weeks ago was supposed to be one of our last really nice weekends so we decided to go to the zoo. The weather was beautiful, it was just perfect for a trip to the zoo. But man was it crowded! I guess we weren't the only ones who listened to the weather report. =) The kids loved seeing all of the animals, especially the brand new baby elephant. They also liked the train ride and carousel. Well Addison liked the carousel, any type of motion ride kind of freaks Urban out a bit but he did ok.
Posted by Hollie at 9:45 PM 6 comments
Sunday, October 4, 2009
The Perfect Morning!
Posted by Hollie at 2:07 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Let's Have a Ball!
Today was Urban's 2nd birthday. I can't believe he's two. He looks and acts like such a big boy. He's not my baby any more and it makes me so sad. I love my little man.
You'll have to excuse the pictures on this post. First of all we are in desperate need of a new camera so all of the pictures are a bit cloudy. Second, my blog has been extremely
difficult lately and won't let me re-arrange the pictures once they're loaded so they are completely random.
We just had a small family party tonight, but it was lots of fun. Some of Urban's favorite things right now are balls, rocks &
balloons. Pretty much anything round that he can pick up and throw. So I wanted to make this the theme of his party. I filled his room with all of the balls we possess in this household and about 150 balloons. HE LOVED IT! His expression was so cute when he walked into his room and saw everything. He had a blast running through the balloons, throwing them into the air and of course popping them.
I let him pick out what kind of cake he wanted and he picked chocolate. He's a boy after his mama's own heart. I was so excited that he picked chocolate because that's my fave, but then I thought about the mess he would make. And boy did he make a mess! Oh well, he loved every bite of it. That's all that matters right?
Posted by Hollie at 9:05 PM 4 comments