I'm way behind on posting and probably will be for awhile. But I wanted to get some pictures up before Delilah's a teenager! She's 3 weeks old today and already seems so different. It goes by so fast, especially those precious intervals of sleep in the middle of the night between feedings. Oh well, what do you do?
Here we are on our way out the door to the hospital. By the way, why didn't anyone tell me how chubby my face had gotten? Anyway, I was scheduled for a c-section on Nov. 20th but went into labor on the 10th. I started having what I thought were contractions but I wasn't completely sure. After all, I've always had c-sections, I didn't really know what contractions felt like. I was debating going to the hospital when they started getting worse and Jared told me I didn't have a choice, he was taking me. Anyone who knows me knows that I am stubborn when it comes to going to the doctor. I HATE feeling like a hypo. I do not go unless I know for sure that something is definitely wrong. I didn't want to go when I went into labor with Urban either because I wasn't sure that's what was happening, but Jared made me and sure enough he was ready to come out. Well it's a good thing we went when we did this time too. They hooked me up to all of the monitors and every time I had a contraction Delilah's heart rate would drop way low, like below 60, for about 30 seconds to a minute at a time. The nurse got my doctor on the phone to tell him the baby was in distress then all of the sudden about 5 nurses came rushing into the room. They flipped me over and started prepping me for an emergency c-section. All at once they were starting an IV, inserting a catheter, hooking me up to oxygen and whatever else they do. I started shaking uncontrollably, I was so worried that something would happen. They told me that everything would be fine as long as they got her out of me as soon as possible. And luckily everything was just fine. She is healthy and beautiful and just perfect!
Here's daddy holding her at the hospital. She's already got him wrapped around her little finger just like Addison. Somehow I don't have any pictures of me holding her at the hospital, hopefully my sister got one.
Addison and Urban's first look at their new baby sister. I was so sad because with all of the sicknesses going around, the hospital was not allowing any kids as visitors, so Addi & Urbi didn't get to come visit us in the hospital. I understand why they have that rule, it was just hard not seeing them for 3 days. I was so excited for them to meet her.
Addison could not wait to hold Lilah and Urban got busy reading her a book right away (that's one of his favorite things to do). Urban calls her baby tiny which I think is absolutely adorable. She does seem so tiny too, especially compared to my little monster man.
We've had so much help it has been wonderful. My mom came up for about a week to help out and take care of the kiddos while I was in the hospital which the kids loved. My sister checks on me pretty much everyday to see what she can do. She's also been my personal photographer. I'll post some of her pics later. And our ward is amazing, we had 4 delicious dinners brought to us.
At first the hospital was only allowing two visitors, and they had to be the same two, you couldn't rotate. Of course Jared was one and my mom was the other. After all, grandma always gets first dibs! She is so good with babies too, I love watching her hold her grandchildren. So Heather was really bummed that she wasn't going to get to see us in the hospital and take pics. Well on the last night before we were discharged a nurse told us that they changed the rule and they were allowing two visitors in addition to the husband. Apparently there had been some brawls between mothers and mothers-in-law to decide who would get to see their grand baby first. This kind of made me giggle. Since my mother-in-law wasn't here this wasn't an issue for us. Too bad, that would have been fun to watch. JUST KIDDING!!!
i have been checking this blog for weeks waiting to see my new little girl and Addi and Urban...what a doll...I cannot wait to get there and hold her and play with my other loves...just know that you will only be allowed to feed the baby while i am there...she is beautiful and we are soooo grateful to you for letting us be a part of her life...we love you...Di
She is so precious, Hollie. I'm so glad everything went well, despite the scary start of having an emergency C Section.
Your family is so very BEAUTIFUL! Lots of Love!!!!
Thanks for sharing the story! I love to read birth stories. Delilah is beautiful, and Addison and Urban are so cute holding her!
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She really is such a doll! I still can't believe how tiny you were the day you gave birth- You look great! Glad things are going good.. Let me know if you guys need anything!
She is so cute! I cannot believe how small she is also. In no time at all she will be 8 months old and you will wonder will the time went, that's what I am doing now when I see pictures of Mason's delivery...but you already have two others so I am sure you knew this. Congrats again guys, can't wait to meet her and see all of you guys again :)
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