Friday, November 30, 2007


The night before last Urban slept straight through from 12:00 am to 6:00 am. When he woke me up and I looked at the clock I was ecstatic. He hasn't slept for more than about 2 hours at a time and 5 hours all together at night. This would explain why I've been a bit disheveled looking and loopy sounding on the phone these past couple of months. This couldn't have come at a better time either because the day and night prior to this were terrible. He did not sleep at all (which is probably why he slept so well this time) and I was a total mess. I was just an emotional wreck and didn't think I could handle another day full of crying (his & mine) and night of no sleep. It's amazing what a night of restful sleep can do. Yesterday I was able to get so much done. My nerves were calmed, I was more patient with the kids and I just took everything as it came. I was able to finish putting out my Christmas decorations and clean my house, which I had been trying to do since Saturday. That was another reason I was so upset, my house was in total disarray and I just could not take it any more. I know this was probably a one time thing, but I am so thankful to have at least one night. Now I'm refreshed and ready for the next 2 months (hopefully it won't really take that long).


Melanie said...

I remember the nights when Tori wouldn't sleep...and then I had to go to work the next day ugh! I was so excited the first time she slept through the night...I think it was the cereal she ate though lol and thanks for the compliment on the banner...those are old pics of her, but they're just so darn cute!

Nick said...

Wow it jsut goes to show that before you have kis of your own how much you can take sleep for granted. Last night I got about 7 hours of sleep, but when I got up I was still sleepy and wishing I had gotten more. Guess I better soak up all the sleep I can until I have munchkins of my own eh

Heather said...

YAY!!! I remember the first time Blaise slept through the night, when I woke up and realized it was morning time and that he hadn't woke me up at all I ran into his room to see if he was still alive. yes, I was one of those Mom's that woke him up to check.

RC said...