Monday, May 11, 2009

I would like to have a word with

the Grandmas please.

The other day Addison was playing with some of her toys and all of a sudden I heard her quietly say "what the he** is going on here?"!

I couldn't believe it. Had I really just heard what I thought I did? So I told her that this is not something that we say and asked her where she heard it. Without even hesitating she said that her grandmas taught her to say it.

Now my question to you two lovely (and might I add profane) ladies is why on earth would you think this is acceptable to teach my innocent 3 year old? I don't feel as though we need to make a big deal over this. I would just like for you to take responsibility for your actions. Were you two in cahoots? Or did you each just randomly decide on your own "I think today would be a great day to teach Addison a new expression"? I might expect this sort of thing from the grandpas, but the grandmas? Never the grandmas!

Well I would appreciate it if in the future you could refrain from teaching my daughter such vulgarity and perhaps take her aside and let her know that your past lessons are inappropriate.

Okay, for those of you who don't know I'm kidding I suppose I should clarify. I KNOW that Addison did not learn this from either one of her grandmas. Truth be told she probably got it from her dad. What? You didn't think I was going to say she got it from me did you? =)
I just think it's hilarious how quick she was to blame her grandmas. Like she thought there was no way she could get in trouble if her grandmas told her to do it. Let that be a lesson to the grandmas. That girl worships you two gals and hangs on every word you say (and sometimes those you don't).


Melanie said...

lol these stories are the best! My mom says my colorful language started when I was about Addison's age and my blocks kept falling over...each time they did I'd exclaim "oh sh**!"

Jennifer Richins said...

Ha Ha. That is so cute (of course when it's somebody else's kid). I learned to swear from my grandma too!

get an eyefull of this... said...

Isn't it funny...children have tape recorder ears and video tape eyes....they hear and remember EVERYTHING even if said once two years ago.

Does Addison say things in the same tone and intonation that you do? I am always amused (NOT) when the girls do this to each other or to me.

jori-o said...

Hahaha! I don't know your MIL, but I dunno... YOUR mom was raised by Grandma, 'nuff said. (and you know I say that with nothing but love and adoration...!)
Funny story! Those rascally grammas!

RC said...

Oh my gosh, that is too funny! I always knew you had to keep an eye on Dianna :)

Believe me, I will have a talk with her when we get up there in a couple days, it is just unacceptable what she said. I know for a fact she didn't hear that from me, I would not have taught her that,[insert choir of angels singing here while I polish my halo]

I specifically taught her that if she ever got caught saying bad words, or in trouble for pretty much anything, she was supposed to BLAME Bapa!

Cowgirl at Heart said...

You sure she hasn't been around her great grandma lately....that's where I learned to cuss! LOL!